Assalamualaikum u allss...
Hari ini , hari ak boleyla diklasifikasikan sebagai meriah ..
hehehe...ak buat hal cam Tahun lepas gak la...
Orang sume sibuk study untuk final...ak??
Lepak gi snap pic bebanyak kat taman rekriasi Gunung Lang..
Ak ade sket je pic kat sana coz tak amek lagi dari member ak tu...
ak mals nak upload pic bebanyak...
kalau ak rajin, ak upload la kat FB...huhuhu...
lepas edit sana-sini....
My KyuHyun !!
OMG..dy telah jatuh sakit...
Berita yang ak petik dari Facebook dan yang seangkatan dengannya ialah..
" Since SJ arrived in Thailand, we can see Kyuhyun’s stressed and tired face. His eyes showed us that he is really sick. He wore sunglasses to hide his eyes during Kpop Wave.
There are some pics of the performance that he looked pale. And worst of all, when they were in the Suvarnabhumi Airport to go back to Taiwan, the guard and Zhoumi helped Kyuhyun walk. The fans asked “What’s wrong with Kyu” others say “I think oppa is sick”. It’s too obvious that he is, because Zhoumi’s helping him walk. His manager asked if he’s okay, “I’m okay” he replied. Now fans are trending #GetwellsoonKyu on Twitter.
“[INFO] Kyuhyun is sick right now. Siwon said his condition was really not good, needs someone to hold him when he walks.
Kesian Kyuhyun ak...
Get well soon oppa...No matter what , I'm still loveeeeeeeeeeeee
Tu dia...hahaha...
Kesian kan dye...ermmm...dye tgah sakit leh lak ak bersuka ria kat Gunung Lang..
Huhuhu....maapkan la diriku ini Kyuhyun...mwawawawa
Apaper pon,
Neorul neomu saranghae oppa !!
To my Mr.Apple ...
Sy rasa sy rindukan awak jugak !!
ak sedih wat ayat last ne...
suda la u allss...mataku da merah tahan kantuk dan air mata...mwawawawa...
Ryn SugarSugar
2 246 menaip-naip...:
Salam.moshi moshi.visit here^^ nice blog.
Feel free to read my new entry @ frommetoyou~
orait the way, thanks a lot...huhuhuu
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